Undermiser is designed to be completed by a human without the use of any extra aids such as save states, memory viewing/modification software, etc. As such, there are certain glitches/tricks which will not be required. You are discouraged from using any of these tricks. These include (but are not necessarily limited to):
- Long sequences of consecutive blast mask hovers - If you're doing ~5 or more consecutive blast mask hovers, you're likely doing something which is unintended. I have tried to consider this in designing routes which make this not useful, however you are certainly welcome to try and use long consecutive blast mask hovers to obtain items I didn't intend for you to get early 😈.
- Stale reference manipulation (SRM) - This glitch requires careful control over the memory layout of objects on the heap. There's no guarantees that the hack will adhere to this, and finding new setups to perform SRM in Undermiser is not expected of players.
- Text overflow/accessing the debug menu - Similar to SRM, this requires careful manipulation of memory to overwrite memory with specific text, which may have changed in the hack. Finding new setups and/or uses is not expected.
- Index warp - Requiring index warp could lead to a save potentially being "unwinnable" if a player hits an owl statue (which may be required). While this glitch is fantastic at saving time for speedruns, it's a lot less useful in Undermiser for generally solving puzzles.
- Get Item Manipulation (GIM) - Due to how the Randomiser hack was implemented, GIM work differently. For example, in the base game, it is very easy to GIM ocarina back, however in Randomiser performing the same setup results in obtaining a red potion. Other GIM's are likely to also have similar differences from the base game.